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‘Nurturing the wellbeing of ourselves and others’ is one of the key elements in our school vision and making sure that everyone in our school community is safe is a crucial part of achieving this. At Springwood Junior Academy, we have a Safeguarding Team but also regard seeking to identify and overcome all barriers to learning as an important part of the partnership between school and families.

Our systems are designed to:

> Prevent unsuitable people working with children and young people

> Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice

> Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare and give adults in school the route for them to take the appropriate action

There are posters displayed around school to help advise you of what to do if you have a safeguarding concern. There are Safeguarding Team posters containing information about contacting the team, leaflets on the Prevent Agenda and posters about which documents are important to guide us.

School takes very seriously the appointing of new staff and follows the ‘Safer Recruitment’ advice from the Local Authority. Our staff and volunteers are DBS checked to ensure all our pupils stay safe.

Should you wish to discuss child protection and the safety of your child, or indeed any other topic involving your child, please feel free to contact any member of the safeguarding team:

- Springwood Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Beki Malton, Principal

- Springwood Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Marie Watts, Inclusion Manager

- Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding - Mr Steve LaDell.

- ACET Designated Safeguarding Lead - Rachel Denton.

- ACET Trustee with responsibility for Safeguarding - Roy Dyson.

Our Child Protection Policy complies with the South Yorkshire Local Safeguarding Children Boards Child Protection Procedures.


Pastoral Care

The pastoral care of our pupils is everyone’s responsibility, starting with class teachers who are supported by teaching assistants and other support staff. At Springwood Junior Academy we also have a Learning Mentor, who is there to support children and their families. If you would like to speak to her, she can be contacted via the school office.