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Remote Learning

At Springwood Junior Academy our main point of contact between class teacher and parents is Class Dojo. In the context of remote learning, this is used to set spellings and homework tasks. You are then able to attach pictures of home learning and extra curricular activities to share with the class teacher to be celebrated within school. This is best accessed as an app on your mobile device. 


We also use Google Classrooms to set class learning for those unable to attend. This is also used within school. Therefore, pupils should be familiar with the login process. However, there is a guide attached below to support this. You are able to access Google Classrooms on most digital devices including laptops, tablets and phones. Pupils will have their login details recorded in their planners.


Home learning is as follows

Foundation Stage 2: weekly phonics activity, reading 3x per week and number knowledge

Key Stage 1: reading 3x per week, weekly spellings and number knowledge

Key Stage 2: reading 3x per week, weekly spellings and timetables 

In addition, half-termly project home learning is provided, linked with class learning, which pupils can share with the class in the final week of each half-term.