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Miss Davies - Y6 Class Teacher and SENDCo

Contact –

Mrs Jakuc - Y6 Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Springwood Junior Academy’s Year 6 website page.

We always take P.R.I.D.E in ourselves, following our school’s Core Values and working hard to be the best version of ourselves. Year 6, being the final year in Primary School, is a very important year, where we take our learning to the next level, undergo statutory assessment, and prepare for our transition to Year 7…all whilst making amazing memories and building solid friendships.

Our Weekly Expectations – we must have planners and reading books in school every day; we must read at least 5 times a week, and ask a parent to sign our planner when we do; we have a speed table test each week and a spelling and times table test on Fridays.  

Each year, our children undergo statutory assessments (SATs) in May, and we have to follow a rigorous and official timetable. The children will be tested on their Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), Reading and Maths during this week. Writing is an ongoing assessment throughout the year, with judgements being made by June, and pieces of work are collected to form a portfolio of evidence. Usually, children are informed of their results in July.


Please click to view our recommended Virtual Reading Library