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Striving for






The mathematics curriculum at Springwood is aligned with the National Curriculum, and underpinned by current and robust research to ensure that the approaches used to plan, teach and assess maths will enable all pupils to have a secure and deep understanding of all aspects of the curriculum. The national curriculum for mathematics intends to ensure that all pupils

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.

There are many elements to the teaching and learning of Maths: it is not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems and investigate) and also to talk knowledgably about mathematical working (reasoning). We believe that unlocking mathematical fluency is an essential life skill for all learners and is a pre-requisite to being able to reason and solve problems mathematically.


Mastery Principle

At Springwood, we value the principles behind the Mastery approach to teaching Maths. We quickly identify pupils who require additional support to achieve their curriculum objectives and provide high quality personalised intervention sessions in order to facilitate this. The depth of learning principles enables pupils to enjoy a range of investigations, activities and games – learning for themselves; consolidating their understanding and ensuring they are best prepared for their stage of learning. Pupils have many opportunities to apply their understanding and skills in different (and often real-life) contexts which bring true purpose to learning.

The 5 Big ideas – mastery principles - Mastery Maths

  • Coherence

Connecting new ideas to concepts that have already been understood, and ensuring that, once understood and mastered, new ideas are used again in next steps of learning, all steps being small steps

  • Representation and Structure

Representations used in lessons expose the mathematical structure being taught which supports pupil understanding and retention. The aim being that, over time, pupils can do the maths without requiring the representation.

  • Mathematical Thinking

If taught ideas are to be understood deeply, they must not merely be passively received but must be worked on by the pupils: thought about, reasoned with and discussed with others.

  • Fluency

Quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures plus the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.

  • Variation

Varying the way a concept is initially presented to pupils ensures deeper understanding and supports efficient identification of the mathematic skills required in a range of contexts.  Also, carefully varying question type/organisation can support thinking and learning plus reduces the chance for mechanical repetition.

Mastering number and mastering maths

All classes from FS2 to Year 6 undertake additional fluency and overlearning sessions over the week in order to ensure all pupils continue to embed and build upon the essential mathematical skills and knowledge for their year group. FS2 to Year 2 undertake Mastering Number sessions, where the pupils focus on securing their knowledge of number and place value, using visual representations and concrete resources to embed this. In Years 3 to 6, the pupils undertake Mastering Maths sessions, in addition to the daily maths lesson, with involve 3 sections: counting; ‘Flashback’ to review previous learning; ‘Passport to the Numiverse’ (Key year group knowledge and skills which require embedding and securing to ensure pupils have the skills and knowledge required at the end of each year ready to build upon it).

Calculation policy value and aims

Our Calculation Policy outlines not only the progression of written methods, but also the theory and principles behind these methods. We also have a progression of skills document showing the journey from concrete - pictorial - abstract.


Resources, images and bar method

A range of resources are used within learning to support pupils throughout their maths learning, including when learning new knowledge and skills.

We believe in the concrete – pictorial – abstract principle, where children need to use resources to ‘do’ and ‘see’ the maths, before using images, and then being able to work independently in a more abstract manner. This does not just happen during pupils’ early years, but throughout their maths learning. For example, Upper Key Stage 2 pupils use resources to ‘see’ calculations with decimals before being able to ‘do’ the Maths without them.

Numicon is a key feature of our EYFS and KS1 pupils’ maths learning – it is used in play and in explicit teaching of number facts / early calculation. Dienes are used for Y1 onwards to demonstrate calculation strategies, including those with decimals, and Cuisenaire rods are also used, particularly when learning fractions. Tens Frames are used regularly from EYFS and through KS1 to embed the understanding of the value of 10 and number bonds. These resources, however, aren’t restricted to KS1, and are used through KS2 for the same reason.

Images are also a key feature of our maths teaching and learning. They support pupils to understand the maths and indeed pupils are encouraged to ‘show’ or ‘represent’ the maths by drawing their own images e.g. Can you draw 3 x 5 to demonstrate an understanding of arrays?

The Bar Method is used to support pupil mathematical understanding and when solving worded problems. It begins in Early Years, where 1 symbol represents 1 unit, and progresses up the school where the bar represents a quantity.



Being able to talk about Maths, explain what is happening and use it to solve problems is a very important part of maths at Springwood. pupils are encouraged to talk about their maths.  Problem solving, exploration and investigation form a key part of maths teaching and learning – ensuring pupils have regular opportunity to discover it themselves which supports deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.



All pupils make good progress, building knowledge and skills over time. Pupils at Springwood Junior Academy have the knowledge and skills to work mathematically, solving problems and applying skills and knowledge efficiently. The implementation of our mathematical teaching sequence ensures pupils become increasingly confident mathematicians with the ability to count, calculate, solve problems, see patterns and reason mathematically. Our pupils enjoy working mathematically and leave our school ready for the next stage of learning.